Five things you never knew about WWE

WWE is always in news and every minor detail is made available for the wrestling fans but there are certain things which you don’t know about WWE. Here are five things which you didn’t know about WWE till today

1.      WWE own a nuclear-bomb proof vault to store videos

WWE is very serious about storing and preserving its history. They have multiple stores to save video tapes of wrestling matches and promotions. Every single wrestling match either it is WrestleMania or WCW nitro, is stored. Their main storage facility is in Stanford. But a large portion of their video collection is stored at iron Mountain in New York State. The facility is highly secure and protected. It is fire proof. In case of fire, a gas is released inside the room to protect the data from fire. It is so much stronger that it can survive a nuclear disaster. In this nuclear bomb proof facility they have more than 100000 tapes including WrestleMania matches and a Phantasio match.

2.      WWE TV programs shift to black & white while a wrestler bleed

During wrestling match it is common to use chairs and other objects to injure the opponent. This leads to bleeding. Some wrestlers use a professional technique “blading” to injure themselves to make match more exciting but such practices are ban now in WWE. If a wrestler bleeds due to any reason (now mostly legitimate reasons) during match, TV broadcast shifts to black and white to minimize the visibility of blood and maintain a TV-PG rating of wrestling match.

3.      WWE hires opera writers to write storyline of wrestling matches

Almost everyone is aware that wrestling matches are scripted. WWE script most of the matches to add dram, action and trill so that viewers can enjoy the match. But no one knows it is carried out in a very professional manner. They hire experienced trill writers especially from ex opera writers to write a new and unique script every time. They have a team which is headed by David Kapoor. Ex opera writers are preferred due to their skills of making soap series and maintaining viewer’s interest at the same time.

4.      WWE wrestlers fight during a flight

It is always exciting to see wrestling matches but what about a fight in a plane during a flight.  In 2002, some WWE wrestlers and team members were traveling from UK to USA in a plane. During flight they consumedtoo much alcohol and started fighting. Most of the interesting thing was the mid-flight wrestling match between Curt Hannig and Brock Lensar. They were arguing who is the best and then they tried to prove it practically. Lensar tookHannig down and other team members including Triple H and Paul Heyman had to separate them. The blame was put of Hannig and he was later released from organisation. There were several other things happened on that flight but certainly most interesting thing was this fight.

5.      Piledrive move is ban in WWE but not for two guys

Piledrive is one of the most dangerous wrestling moves. It involves high risk of head and neck injury if not executed properly. One such example is Steve Austin injury during 1997 WWE summerSlam. He had to rest for 2 months and also had a neck surgery in 1999. Due to dangers involved in Piledrive move, it is ban in WWE since 2000. But there are two wrestlers who has the permission to use this move, Undertaker and Kane. Due to their experience and strength, they are allowed to execute this move. Infect tombstone Piledrive is the favourite finish move of Undertaker.


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